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Massage Therapy and Breast Cancer

registration and payment

  1. Please read the class refund policy

  2. Fill and submit your registration form.

  3. Scroll down and choose the appropriate payment.

  4. If you need a Two-Payment Plan, click here. 

  5. Please do not hesitate to contact me for questions or other needs: 303-775-8005 or email:

  6. If you experience difficulty with online payments I can take payments over the phone.

  7. To avoid the $15 processing fee feel free to mail a check payable to "Bodywork Wisdom" and mail to Eeris Kallil, 3405 Penrose Plc. #107, Boulder, CO 80301


Massage Therapy And Breast Cancer


Interested in a class in your area? 

I offer free registration for helping me organize a class in your area. (Min. 10 participants)

Contact me here


Scroll to payment
One Payment option: 
$75 of this payment may be nonrefundable according to the refund policy

& No processing fee

Valid up to 60 days

prior  to class




Plus $15 processing fee

Valid up to 30 days

prior  to class

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button


Plus $15 processing fee

29 days or less

prior to class

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
Two-Payments option: 
50% is due at registration. $75 of this payment may be non-refundable according to the refund policy. 
Early Bird Discounts apply only when both payments are completed by the deadlines.
If you miss the 1st deadline your second payment will increase to the next deadline
See payment plan details below.
Using the honor system, press Pay Now and fill in the Appropriate Payment amount according to the timing of your payment.
Please pay the remainder of your payment no later than 14 days prior to class.
Give me a call or shoot me a text/email
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